Which Drugs Can A Roadside Drug Test Detect? (Victoria)

The roadside tests can identify only the following illegal substances – THC, methamphetamine (found in crystal meth, ice, and speed), and MDMA. There are specific legal defences against charges of drug driving, so it is advisable to speak with experienced drug driving and drug trafficking lawyers in Melbourne about your options. In Victoria, it is

Can You Be Charged If You Refuse A Saliva Sample? (Victoria)

In Victoria, you can be charged if you refuse a saliva sample. It’s an offence to refuse to comply with a request to provide a sample of oral fluid when lawfully requested to do so by a police officer. Refusal can result in heavy fines and loss of licence, with even harsher penalties for repeat

What Is The Legal Limit For Driving Under The Influence In Victoria?

The law sets a clear blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limit for drivers in Victoria. Individuals found guilty of exceeding this limit risk heavy fines, licence revocation, or compulsory behaviour change programs, among other legal consequences. The legal limit for driving under the influence in Victoria is a BAC of 0.05. This limit provides a standard

What Is Drink Driving And Its Penalties In Victoria

Victoria’s drink-driving laws are some of the toughest in Australia. If you are caught drunk driving in another state with a licence from Victoria, you will face the same punishments as if the crime happened in Victoria. These offences come with heavy fines, time limits on your ability to drive, and, in the worst cases,