Violent Behaviour Charges: Benefits of a Criminal Defence Lawyer

Given today’s economic situation, political frictions, and ramifications of the pandemic, tensions are running high. Acts of violence are on the increase. Get a good criminal defense lawyer promptly if you are charged with a crime.

Definition of Violent Behaviour

Violent behaviour is defined as any act that injures another person in a way that undermines their health or wellbeing. It could also be an act that makes someone afraid, and the injury might involve pain or bruising. Violent behaviour is punishable, and it could lead to serious sanctions.

Physical contact is not a requirement for a crime to be committed. Leading someone to believe that you are capable of violence is sufficient. Various acts are punishable:

  • Threatening to hurt a person.
  • Physical acts of intimidation like towering over someone to show dominance. A crime can be committed even if you do not intend to hurt someone.

Violence Related Charges

If you are the perpetrator of a violent act, the crime that you are charged with will be determined after considering the following factors:

  • The injuries inflicted on the victim.
  • Your intention.
  • What you should have appreciated would have occurred as a consequence of your actions.

The usual crimes that are associated with violent behaviour could be any of the below mentioned:

  • Assault (sexual, unlawful, and common assault).
  • Affray.
  • Inflicting injury or severe injury.
  • Homicide.
  • Aggravated burglary.
  • Robbery
  • Threatening to murder or cause serious harm

Your criminal defence lawyer can explain the various charges and implications thereof.

Penalties for Violent Acts: You Need a Good Criminal Defence Lawyer

Sanctions for perpetrators of violence include fines. You may be imprisoned. The court may require that you be involved in a diversion programme.

Diversion programmes are designed to address your matter outside the judicial system, which will allow you to avoid a criminal conviction.

Certain requirements need to be adhered to before criminal charges are dropped.

  1. You might need to apologise to the victim in writing.
  2. The court might order you to undergo counselling.
  3. You could be required to attend a course.
  4. The judge might rule that you donate sorts.
  5. You may be requested to undertake counselling.

If you adhere to these requirements, law enforcement will drop all charges. You will not be found guilty, and you will also escape a criminal conviction.

Other penalties include intensive correction orders or financial reparation to the victims.

Seek legal advice immediately so you can be acquitted of your crime, or your criminal defence lawyer can argue for a lighter sentence on your behalf. Better still, your legal representative could argue for a diversion programme so that you can avoid a criminal record together.


No one plans to end up on the wrong side of the law. For whatever reason, you might find yourself accused of a violent crime. You need top-tier legal representation. Contact the best criminal defence lawyers in Melbourne.

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