Can Someone Go To Jail In Victoria For Threatening To Kill You?

Can Someone Go To Jail In Victoria For Threatening To Kill You?

Based on the Crimes Act 1958, someone can go to jail for threatening to kill another person. That threat must either be made with the intention that someone else would believe it or is reckless regarding whether the other person would fear the threat would be carried out. In other words, the threat must be

Is Breaching A Court Order A Criminal Offense?

Is Breaching A Court Order A Criminal Offense? (Australia)

A court order is any order issued by the court that sets out someone’s rights and responsibilities under the law. Courts use orders to administer justice across virtually every type of case, from civil law to criminal proceedings. Court orders are treated as law—which means that violating a court order is a violation of the

I’ve Been Charged By Police, What Do I Do Now?

If you’ve been charged by the police in Victoria, it’s important to understand that the police will determine whether to lay charges based on the evidence they’ve collected. Simply put, the police will lay charges if they believe that the evidence against you is strong enough to indicate that you likely committed a crime. When

How To Write A Character Reference for Court In Victoria

A character reference is a letter written for a court hearing that describes a person’s qualities and behaviour, which provides some insight to the Judge or Magistrate into the individual’s character and reputation. A good character reference letter can potentially make a difference in a judge’s decision, highlighting the defendant’s positive traits and making a

Can The Police Track Your Phone in Victoria?

Smartphones make it easier than ever to track people. For some, the ease of tracking can make them uneasy about whether they are being tracked at all times. You generally do not have to worry about the police in Victoria tracking your phone in most circumstances. However, the police can track your phone in Victoria